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Bullet Physics wrapper for Irrlicht Engine

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irrBullet - Bullet Physics Wrapper for Irrlicht Engine


This is a fork of irrBullet, which can be found at

It is an updated version of irrBullet which works with Irrlicht 1.8.1 and latest SVN branch (unstable) and Bullet 2.82. It also has several improvements over outdated irrBullet. I tried contacting the original author of irrBullet, but got no response.

Note: The following version hasn't released yet and maybe unstable. If you find any bug, then please open an issue in issues tracker. Thanks.

What's new in 0.1.9


On windows open Dependencies_Path.bat in directory and change respective environment variables to Bullet and Irrlicht's root directory and run it, then in "source/" open the project file of your favorite IDE (Visual Studio and Code::Blocks is currently supported) and compile. You will then find the compiled library in "lib/your_platform".

To compile examples go to "examples/" and open the project and compile, you'll then find the compiled binaries in "bin/your_platform". Please note that if you have compiled using shared Irrlicht binary then you need to copy Irrlicht.dll/.so from Irrlicht's directory to "bin/your_platform" in order to run the examples.


It is released under permissive zlib license same as Bullet and Irrlicht.